Purchase Orders

Unlock Procurement Excellence with Jaffle

Elevate your purchase ordering process. Jaffle’s platform calculates, tracks, and optimizes every order detail, ensuring profitability and compliance at every level.

Real-time stock counts – Monitor remaining stock counts and total quantities in real time, ensuring accurate inventory levels for informed decision-making.

Bulk items and components – Manage inventory down to the ingredient level, perfect for businesses that need to track components or create products from bulk supplies.


Instant Consignment Return Calculations

Calculate consignment order returns based on selling price instantly, simplifying reporting and financial analysis.


Purchase Order Profitability Management

Manage profitability at the purchase order level with instant net revenue calculations for informed decision-making.


Custom Workflow Management

Set and manage custom workflow statuses to align with your business processes and increase operational efficiency.

Why Jaffle? Inventory Management

How Jaffle’s Business Platform Helps

Jaffle’s innovative platform revolutionizes the way businesses manage their procurement and inventory processes. By integrating purchase orders and consignment management into one cohesive system, Jaffle enables seamless stock updates and supplier notifications, automating the once labor-intensive tasks. This automation not only enhances efficiency but also ensures a consistent audit trail for improved compliance and transparency across operations.

The platform’s capability to instantly calculate consignment returns based on selling prices significantly reduces reporting complexity, allowing businesses to maintain profitability and make informed financial decisions quickly. Additionally, Jaffle’s custom workflow management and margin assignment features provide businesses with the flexibility to tailor the system to their unique operational needs, optimizing profitability across various categories.

Jaffle goes beyond traditional purchase order management by offering supplier-level platform access. This feature fosters an environment of collaboration and transparency, sharing live data with suppliers to streamline communication and operational efficiency. With the ability to manage profitability at the purchase order level and display upcoming inventory availability, Jaffle empowers businesses to strategically manage demand, plan for future sales, and maintain optimal stock levels.

In summary, Jaffle’s platform is designed to address the complex needs of modern businesses, offering smart solutions for managing purchase orders, consignments, and supplier relations. With features like automated stock updates, instant financial insights, and direct supplier collaboration, Jaffle helps businesses optimize their operations, reduce overheads, and enhance profitability, making it an invaluable tool in today’s competitive marketplace.

Frequently Asked

Learn about Inventory Management

Got a question? We’ve got you covered! Check out the resources below and be sure to let us know if we can answer anything else.

How does Jaffle simplify consignment order management?

Jaffle automates the calculation of consignment returns based on selling price, significantly simplifying reporting and financial management for these orders.

How does Jaffle help manage order profitability?

Our platform provides instant net revenue calculations for each purchase order, enabling you to assess profitability in real-time and make data-driven decisions.

Is it possible to set custom workflows in Jaffle?

Yes, Jaffle allows you to create and manage custom workflow statuses, aligning the procurement process with your business’s specific operational needs.

Can I share live data with my suppliers using Jaffle?

Absolutely, Jaffle offers supplier-level platform access, allowing you to share live data and collaborate more effectively with your suppliers.


The Power of Purchase Orders

Harness the power of Jaffle for total management of your purchase orders and consignments. Achieve operational synergy with automated updates, tailored workflows, and direct supplier collaboration.

Simplified Order Management

Streamline the entry and management of purchase orders and consignments, reducing administrative overhead.

Informed Decision-Making

Access to instant net revenue calculations aids in making informed, strategic decisions regarding procurement.

Reduced Financial Complexity

Gain instant insights into the financial impact of consignment returns and overall order profitability.

Streamlined Inventory Adjustments

Easily correct stock levels for returns or damages, keeping your inventory records accurate and reliable.

Visibility and Control

Gain unprecedented visibility and control over the entire purchase order process, from entry to profitability analysis.

Recipient-Created Tax Invoice Generation

Streamline financial operations with the ability to generate and send tax invoices to suppliers for approval.

AI Ready Business Platform

Ready to build a better business with Jaffle? Let’s Go.

Speak to one of our local implementation specialists.